
In 1993, Congress created the Court Improvement Program (CIP), a grant program to assist state courts in improving the handling of child abuse and neglect cases (also known as dependency cases). Unlike other court case types, there are federal mandates governing dependency cases. Congress recognized the effects of these mandates by the passage of the CIP legislation. This initial grant program, within the Promoting Safe and Stable Families Program, expanded in 2005 when Congress authorized additional training and data grants for state courts. These three grants, awarded to the highest court in each state, are the only federal funds that state courts receive for the purpose of improving state court oversight of dependency cases.

佛罗里达, like state court systems around the country, has leveraged the CIP funds to effectuate better outcomes for children and families. Our efforts are family centered and our goal continues to be achieving timely 永久的事物 for children. 佛罗里达’s CIP team is staffed by attorneys, court analysts, systems programmers, and support staff. The activities of the team are aimed at improving the safety, 永久的事物, and well-being of children and improving outcomes for families involved in the dependency court process. 团队:

  1. Provides training and technical assistance to dependency judges, magistrates, and court staff. This includes the 依赖 Benchbook, a user-friendly reference guide that includes state and national laws, rules of court, and family-centered bench practices (such as using science-informed visitation protocols, involving children in court, ensuring concurrent planning, addressing paternity, addressing child support, and recognizing the need for trauma-informed treatment). 
  2. Develops and maintains the 佛罗里达 依赖 Court Information System, a web-based case management system that assists judges, magistrates, and court staff with meeting federal and state mandates for dependency cases. This automated system presents data in an easy-to-read fashion, organizes workload, and provides individual case information as well as aggregate caseload, 县, 电路, and statewide information. Court improvement staff are currently importing data from other systems, and look forward to launching the system in the coming months.
  3. Promotes collaboration between the courts and the Department of Children and Families. Also promotes collaboration among other child welfare system partners. Examples of this include the annual statewide dependency summit, the statewide 依赖 Court Improvement Panel, and data sharing.
  4. Produces resources for the public to aid in the understanding of the dependency court process. (See links above.)


Last Modified: February 12, 2024